
class IorEffectScope<E>(semigroup: Semigroup<E>, effect: EffectScope<E>) : EffectScope<E> , Semigroup<E> (source)


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fun <E> IorEffectScope(semigroup: Semigroup<E>, effect: EffectScope<E>)


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open suspend fun <E, A> attempt(f: suspend EffectScope<E>.() -> A): suspend EffectScope<E>.() -> A

Encloses an action for which you want to catch any shift. attempt is used in combination with catch.

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open suspend fun <B> Either<E, B>.bind(): B

Folds Either into Effect, by returning B or a shift with R.

open suspend fun <B> Validated<E, B>.bind(): B

Folds Validated into Effect, by returning B or a shift with R.

open suspend fun <B> EagerEffect<E, B>.bind(): B

Runs the EagerEffect to finish, returning B or shift in case of R, bridging eager computations into suspending.

open suspend fun <B> Effect<E, B>.bind(): B

Runs the Effect to finish, returning B or shift in case of R.

suspend fun <B> Ior<E, B>.bind(): B

open suspend fun <B> Option<B>.bind(shift: () -> E): B

Folds Option into Effect, by returning B or a transforming None into R and shifting the result.

open suspend fun <B> Result<B>.bind(transform: (Throwable) -> E): B

Folds Result into Effect, by returning B or a transforming Throwable into R and shifting the result.

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open infix suspend fun <E, A> suspend EffectScope<E>.() -> A.catch(recover: suspend EffectScope<E>.(E) -> A): A

When the Effect has shifted with R it will recover the shifted value to A, and when it ran the computation to completion it will return the value A. catch is used in combination with attempt.

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open override fun E.combine(b: E): E

Combine two A values.

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open suspend fun ensure(condition: Boolean, shift: () -> E)

ensure that condition is true, if it's false it will shift with the provided value R. Monadic version of kotlin.require.

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open override fun E.maybeCombine(b: E?): E
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open operator override fun E): E
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open suspend override fun <B> shift(r: E): B

Short-circuit the Effect computation with value R.


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suspend fun <R, B : Any> EffectScope<R>.ensureNotNull(value: B?, shift: () -> R): B

Ensure that value is not null. if it's non-null it will be smart-casted and returned if it's false it will shift with the provided value R. Monadic version of kotlin.requireNotNull.