
data class Some<out T>(val value: T) : Option<T> (source)


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fun <out T> Some(value: T)


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object Companion


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infix fun <B> align(b: Option<B>): Option<Ior<T, B>>

Align two options (this on the left and b on the right) as one Option of Ior.

inline fun <B, C> align(b: Option<B>, f: (Ior<T, B>) -> C): Option<C>

Align two options (this on the left and b on the right) as one Option of Ior, and then, if it's not None, map it using f.

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inline fun all(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if this option is empty '''or''' the predicate $predicate returns true when applied to this $option's value.

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infix fun <X> and(value: Option<X>): Option<X>
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inline fun <B> crosswalk(f: (T) -> Option<B>): Option<Option<B>>
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inline fun <K, V> crosswalkMap(f: (T) -> Map<K, V>): Map<K, Option<V>>
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inline fun <B> crosswalkNull(f: (T) -> B?): Option<B>?
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inline fun exists(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if this option is nonempty '''and''' the predicate $p returns true when applied to this $option's value. Otherwise, returns false.

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inline fun filter(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Option<T>

Returns this $option if it is nonempty '''and''' applying the predicate $p to this $option's value returns true. Otherwise, return $none.

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inline fun filterNot(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Option<T>

Returns this $option if it is nonempty '''and''' applying the predicate $p to this $option's value returns false. Otherwise, return $none.

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inline fun findOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T?

Returns the $option's value if this option is nonempty '''and''' the predicate $p returns true when applied to this $option's value. Otherwise, returns null.

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inline fun <B> flatMap(f: (T) -> Option<B>): Option<B>

Returns the result of applying $f to this $option's value if this $option is nonempty. Returns $none if this $option is empty. Slightly different from map in that $f is expected to return an $option (which could be $none).

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inline fun <R> fold(ifEmpty: () -> R, ifSome: (T) -> R): R
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inline fun <B> foldLeft(initial: B, operation: (B, T) -> B): B
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inline fun <B> foldMap(MB: Monoid<B>, f: (T) -> B): B
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Returns true if the option is an instance of Some, false otherwise.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean

Returns true if the option is None, false otherwise.

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inline fun <B> map(f: (T) -> B): Option<B>

Returns a Some<$B> containing the result of applying $f to this $option's value if this $option is nonempty. Otherwise return $none.

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inline fun <B> mapNotNull(f: (T) -> B?): Option<B>

Returns $none if the result of applying $f to this $option's value is null. Otherwise returns the result.

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alias for isDefined

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fun orNull(): T?
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fun <B> padZip(other: Option<B>): Option<Pair<T?, B?>>
inline fun <B, C> padZip(other: Option<B>, f: (T?, B?) -> C): Option<C>
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fun <L> pairLeft(left: L): Option<Pair<L, T>>
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fun <R> pairRight(right: R): Option<Pair<T, R>>
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inline fun <B> reduceOrNull(initial: (T) -> B, operation: (acc: B, T) -> B): B?
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inline fun <B> reduceRightEvalOrNull(initial: (T) -> B, operation: (T, acc: Eval<B>) -> Eval<B>): Eval<B?>
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inline fun tap(f: (T) -> Unit): Option<T>

The given function is applied as a fire and forget effect if this is a some. When applied the result is ignored and the original Some value is returned

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inline fun tapNone(f: () -> Unit): Option<T>

The given function is applied as a fire and forget effect if this is a None. When applied the result is ignored and the original None value is returned

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inline fun <L> toEither(ifEmpty: () -> L): Either<L, T>
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fun toList(): List<T>
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open override fun toString(): String
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inline fun <AA, B> traverse(fa: (T) -> Either<AA, B>): Either<AA, Option<B>>
inline fun <AA, B> traverse(fa: (T) -> Validated<AA, B>): Validated<AA, Option<B>>
inline fun <B> traverse(fa: (T) -> Iterable<B>): List<Option<B>>
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fun void(): Option<Unit>
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fun <B> zip(other: Option<B>): Option<Pair<T, B>>
inline fun <B, C> zip(b: Option<B>, map: (T, B) -> C): Option<C>
inline fun <B, C, D> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, map: (T, B, C) -> D): Option<D>
inline fun <B, C, D, E> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, map: (T, B, C, D) -> E): Option<E>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, map: (T, B, C, D, E) -> F): Option<F>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, f: Option<F>, map: (T, B, C, D, E, F) -> G): Option<G>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, f: Option<F>, g: Option<G>, map: (T, B, C, D, E, F, G) -> H): Option<H>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, f: Option<F>, g: Option<G>, h: Option<H>, map: (T, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) -> I): Option<I>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, f: Option<F>, g: Option<G>, h: Option<H>, i: Option<I>, map: (T, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> J): Option<J>
inline fun <B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K> zip(b: Option<B>, c: Option<C>, d: Option<D>, e: Option<E>, f: Option<F>, g: Option<G>, h: Option<H>, i: Option<I>, j: Option<J>, map: (T, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) -> K): Option<K>


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val value: T


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fun <A> Option<A>.combine(SGA: Semigroup<A>, b: Option<A>): Option<A>
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operator fun <A : Comparable<A>> Option<A>.compareTo(other: Option<A>): Int
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inline fun <A> Option<A>.ensure(error: () -> Unit, predicate: (A) -> Boolean): Option<A>
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inline fun <B> Option<*>.filterIsInstance(): Option<B>

Returns an Option containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter B.

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inline fun <T> Option<T>.getOrElse(default: () -> T): T

Returns the option's value if the option is nonempty, otherwise return the result of evaluating default.

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inline fun <A> Option<A>.handleError(f: (Unit) -> A): Option<A>
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inline fun <A> Option<A>.handleErrorWith(f: (Unit) -> Option<A>): Option<A>
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infix fun <T> Option<T>.or(value: Option<T>): Option<T>
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inline fun <A> Option<A>.orElse(alternative: () -> Option<A>): Option<A>

Returns this option's if the option is nonempty, otherwise returns another option provided lazily by default.

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inline fun <A, B> Option<A>.redeem(fe: (Unit) -> B, fb: (A) -> B): Option<B>
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inline fun <A, B> Option<A>.redeemWith(fe: (Unit) -> Option<B>, fb: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<B>
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fun <A> Option<A>.replicate(n: Int, MA: Monoid<A>): Option<A>
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fun <A> Option<A>.salign(SA: Semigroup<A>, b: Option<A>): Option<A>
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Separate the inner Either value into the Either.Left and Either.Right.

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Separate the inner Validated value into the Validated.Invalid and Validated.Valid.

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fun <K, V> Option<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(): Map<K, V>
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fun <A, B> Option<Ior<A, B>>.unalign(): Pair<Option<A>, Option<B>>
inline fun <A, B, C> Option<C>.unalign(f: (C) -> Ior<A, B>): Pair<Option<A>, Option<B>>
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fun <A> Option<Iterable<A>>.unite(MA: Monoid<A>): Option<A>
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fun <A, B> Option<Pair<A, B>>.unzip(): Pair<Option<A>, Option<B>>
inline fun <A, B, C> Option<C>.unzip(f: (C) -> Pair<A, B>): Pair<Option<A>, Option<B>>
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fun <B, A : B> Option<A>.widen(): Option<B>

Given A is a sub type of B, re-type this value from Option to Option