Arrow
1.1.5
common
arrow-annotations
arrow
synthetic
arrow.
optics
optics
Optics
Target
arrow-core
arrow.
core
align()
and
Then()
attempt()
bisequence()
bisequence
Either()
bisequence
Nullable()
bisequence
Option()
bisequence
Validated()
both
Ior()
combine()
combine
K()
compare
To()
compose()
Const
Companion
const()
constant()
contramap()
crosswalk()
crosswalk
Map()
crosswalk
Null()
curried()
Deprecated
Ambiguity
Deprecated
Unsafe
Access
Either
Companion
Left
Companion
Right
Companion
element
At
Or
None()
Endo
Companion
ensure()
escaped()
Eval
Always
Companion
Defer
Flat
Map
Later
Now
Companion
filter
Is
Instance()
filter
Map()
filter
Option()
find
Valid()
first
Or
None()
flat
Map()
flatten()
flatten
Option()
fold()
fold
Left()
fold
Map()
get
Or
Else()
get
Or
None()
handle
Error()
handle
Error
With()
identity()
if
Then()
interleave()
invalid()
invalid
Nel()
Ior
Both
Companion
Left
Companion
Right
Companion
iterate
Right()
last
Or
None()
left()
left
Ior()
left
Pad
Zip()
left
Widen()
many()
map
Nullable()
max()
max
By()
maybe()
memoize()
merge()
min()
min
By()
nel()
Niche
None
none()
Non
Empty
List
Companion
non
Empty
List
Of()
Non
Fatal()
non
Fatal
Or
Throw()
Nullable
once()
Option
Companion
or()
or
Else()
or
None()
or
Null()
pad
Zip()
partially1()
partially10()
partially11()
partially12()
partially13()
partially14()
partially15()
partially16()
partially17()
partially18()
partially19()
partially2()
partially20()
partially21()
partially22()
partially3()
partially4()
partially5()
partially6()
partially7()
partially8()
partially9()
plus()
prepend
To()
redeem()
redeem
With()
reduce
Or
Null()
reduce
Right
Null()
Redundant
replicate()
rethrow()
right()
right
Ior()
right
Pad
Zip()
salign()
separate
Either()
separate
Validated()
sequence()
single
Or
None()
Some
Companion
some()
sort()
split()
tail()
to
Ior()
to
Map()
to
Non
Empty
List
Or
None()
to
Non
Empty
List
Or
Null()
to
Option()
traverse()
Tuple10
Companion
Tuple11
Companion
Tuple12
Companion
Tuple13
Companion
Tuple14
Companion
Tuple15
Companion
Tuple16
Companion
Tuple17
Companion
Tuple18
Companion
Tuple19
Companion
Tuple20
Companion
Tuple21
Companion
Tuple22
Companion
Tuple4
Companion
Tuple5
Companion
Tuple6
Companion
Tuple7
Companion
Tuple8
Companion
Tuple9
Companion
unalign()
uncurried()
unite()
unite
Either()
unite
Validated()
unweave()
unzip()
valid()
Validated
Companion
Invalid
Valid
Companion
valid
Nel()
value
Or()
void()
widen()
zip()
arrow.
core.
continuations
Atomic
Ref
Cancellation
Exception
No
Trace
Eager
Effect
eager
Effect()
Eager
Effect
Scope
Effect
effect()
Effect
Scope
either
ensure
Not
Null()
get
And
Update()
ior
Ior
Eager
Effect
Scope
Ior
Effect
Scope
loop()
merge()
nullable
Nullable
Eager
Effect
Scope
Nullable
Effect
Scope
option
Option
Eager
Effect
Scope
Option
Effect
Scope
result
Result
Eager
Effect
Scope
Result
Effect
Scope
Shift
Cancellation
Exception
Shift
Leaked
Exception
to
Option()
to
Result()
update()
update
And
Get()
arrow.
typeclasses
Double
Instance
Deprecation
Float
Instance
Deprecation
Monoid
Companion
Semigroup
Companion
Non
Empty
List
Semigroup
Semiring
Companion
arrow-core-retrofit
arrow.
retrofit.
adapter.
either
Either
Call
Adapter
Factory
Companion
Response
arrow.
retrofit.
adapter.
either.
networkhandling
Call
Error
Http
Error
IOError
Unexpected
Call
Error
arrow-fx-coroutines
arrow.
fx.
coroutines
as
Flow()
Atomic
Companion
auto
Closeable()
bracket()
bracket
Case()
Circuit
Breaker
Companion
Execution
Rejected
State
Closed
Half
Open
Open
closeable()
Count
Down
Latch
Cyclic
Barrier
executor()
Exit
Case
Cancelled
Companion
Completed
Failure
fixed
Rate()
fixed
Thread
Pool
Context()
guarantee()
guarantee
Case()
map
Indexed()
metered()
on
Cancel()
par
Map()
par
Map
Unordered()
par
Sequence()
par
Sequence
Either()
par
Sequence
Either
N()
par
Sequence
N()
par
Sequence
Result()
par
Sequence
Result
N()
par
Sequence
Validated()
par
Sequence
Validated
N()
par
Traverse()
par
Traverse
Either()
par
Traverse
Either
N()
par
Traverse
N()
par
Traverse
Result()
par
Traverse
Result
N()
par
Traverse
Validated()
par
Traverse
Validated
N()
par
Zip()
Race3
First
Second
Third
race
N()
release()
release
Case()
repeat()
Resource
Companion
resource()
resource
Scope()
retry()
retry
Or
Else()
retry
Or
Else
Either()
Schedule
Companion
Decision
Companion
single
Thread
Context()
time
In
Millis()
arrow.
fx.
coroutines.
continuations
Acquire
Step
resource()
Resource
Resource
Scope
Scope
arrow-fx-stm
arrow.
fx.
stm
atomically()
check()
new
Empty
TMVar()
new
TArray()
new
TMap()
new
TMVar()
new
TQueue()
new
TSem()
new
TSet()
stm()
TArray
Companion
TMap
Companion
Companion
TQueue
Companion
TSemaphore
Companion
TSet
Companion
TVar
Companion
arrow-optics
arrow.
optics
cons()
Copy
copy()
Fold
Companion
get()
Getter
Companion
Optics
Copy
Marker
Optional()
Optional
Getter()
PEvery
Companion
PIso
Companion
PLens
Companion
POptional
Companion
POptional
Getter
Companion
PPrism
Companion
Prism()
PSetter
Companion
PTraversal
Companion
snoc()
uncons()
unsnoc()
arrow.
optics.
dsl
at()
every()
index()
left
right
some
arrow.
optics.
typeclasses
At
Companion
Cons
Companion
Filter
Index
Companion
Index
Companion
remove()
Snoc
Companion
arrow-optics-reflect
arrow.
optics
every
instance()
iter
lens
ogetter
optional
values
arrow-core
/
arrow.core
/
Tuple16
/
seventh
seventh
val
seventh
:
(
source
)