
Computation block for the Resource type. The Resource allows us to describe resources as immutable values, and compose them together in simple ways. This way you can split the logic of what a Resource is and how it should be closed from how you use them.

  • Using and composing Resource

import arrow.fx.coroutines.continuations.resource
import arrow.fx.coroutines.release

class UserProcessor {
fun start(): Unit = println("Creating UserProcessor")
fun shutdown(): Unit = println("Shutting down UserProcessor")
fun process(ds: DataSource): List<String> =
ds.users().map { "Processed $it" }

class DataSource {
fun connect(): Unit = println("Connecting dataSource")
fun users(): List<String> = listOf("User-1", "User-2", "User-3")
fun close(): Unit = println("Closed dataSource")

class Service(val db: DataSource, val userProcessor: UserProcessor) {
suspend fun processData(): List<String> = userProcessor.process(db)

val userProcessor = resource {
} release UserProcessor::shutdown

val dataSource = resource {
DataSource().also { it.connect() }
} release DataSource::close

suspend fun main(): Unit {
resource<Service> {
Service(dataSource.bind(), userProcessor.bind())
}.use { service -> service.processData() }


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abstract suspend fun <A> Resource<A>.bind(): A
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abstract suspend fun <A> install(acquire: suspend AcquireStep.() -> A, release: suspend (A, ExitCase) -> Unit): A

Install A into the ResourceScope. It's release function will be called with the appropriate ExitCase if this ResourceScope finishes. It results either in ExitCase.Completed, ExitCase.Cancelled or ExitCase.Failure depending on the terminal state of Resource lambda.

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open infix suspend fun onRelease(release: suspend (ExitCase) -> Unit)
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open infix suspend fun <A> Resource<A>.release(release: suspend (A) -> Unit): A

Composes a release action to a Resource value before binding.

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open infix suspend fun <A> Resource<A>.releaseCase(release: suspend (A, ExitCase) -> Unit): A

Composes a releaseCase action to a Resource value before binding.


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suspend fun <A : AutoCloseable> ResourceScope.autoCloseable(closingDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO, autoCloseable: suspend () -> A): A

Creates a Resource from an AutoCloseable, which uses AutoCloseable.close for releasing.

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suspend fun <A : Closeable> ResourceScope.closeable(closingDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO, closeable: suspend () -> A): A

Creates a Resource from an Closeable, which uses Closeable.close for releasing.

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suspend fun ResourceScope.executor(timeout: Duration = Duration.INFINITE, closingDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO, create: suspend () -> ExecutorService): ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher

Creates a single threaded CoroutineContext as a Resource. Upon release an orderly shutdown of the ExecutorService takes place in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.

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suspend fun ResourceScope.fixedThreadPoolContext(nThreads: Int, name: String): ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher

Creates a single threaded CoroutineContext as a Resource. Upon release an orderly shutdown of the ExecutorService takes place in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.

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suspend fun ResourceScope.singleThreadContext(name: String): ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher

Creates a single threaded CoroutineContext as a Resource. Upon release an orderly shutdown of the ExecutorService takes place in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.