
data class Decision<out A, out B>(val cont: Boolean, val delayInNanos: Double, val state: A, val finish: Eval<B>)(source)

A single decision. Contains the decision to continue, the delay, the new state and the (lazy) result of a Schedule.


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fun <out A, out B> Decision(cont: Boolean, delayInNanos: Double, state: A, finish: Eval<B>)


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object Companion


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fun <C, D> bimap(f: (A) -> C, g: (B) -> D): Schedule.Decision<C, D>
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fun <C, D, E> combineNanos(other: Schedule.Decision<C, D>, f: (Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean, g: (Double, Double) -> Double, zip: (B, D) -> E): Schedule.Decision<Pair<A, C>, E>
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun <D> map(g: (B) -> D): Schedule.Decision<A, D>
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fun <C> mapLeft(f: (A) -> C): Schedule.Decision<C, B>
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operator fun not(): Schedule.Decision<A, B>


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val finish: Eval<B>
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val state: A