Kotlin Std Coroutines & Arrow Computation blocks

Arrow computation blocks are built on top of Kotlin Std’s Coroutines intrinsics and don’t depend on the KotlinX Coroutines library. Computation blocks support cancellation automatically observing [CancellationException],(https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.coroutines.cancellation/-cancellation-exception/) available in the Kotlin Standard Library.

Let’s take a deeper look at what we can find in the Kotlin Std Coroutines package.

Demystify Coroutine

Kotlin’s standard library defines a Coroutine as an instance of a suspendable computation.

In other words, a Coroutine is a compiled suspend () -> A program wired to a Continuation.

Which can be created by using kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.createCoroutineUnintercepted.

So let’s take a quick look at an example.

import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.createCoroutineUnintercepted
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.resume

suspend fun one(): Int = 1

val cont: Continuation<Unit> = ::one
  .createCoroutineUnintercepted(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext, ::println))


As you can see here above we create a Coroutine using createCoroutineUnintercepted which returns us Continuation<Unit>. Strange, you might’ve expected a Coroutine type but a Coroutine in the type system is represented by Continuation<Unit>.

This typealias Coroutine = Contination<Unit> will start running every time you call resume(Unit), which allows you to run the suspend program as many times as you want.

Kotlin Standard Library Coroutines

The standard library offers a powerful set of primitives to build powerful applications on top of Continuations, together with the compiler’s ability to rewrite continuation based code to a beautiful suspend syntax.

They can be used to implement a very wide range use-cases, and or not bound to asynchronous -or concurrency use-cases.

The above image is not exhaustive list of the primitives you can find in the standard library. For an exhaustive list check the Kotlin Standard Library API docs:

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