interface IrSyntax
The codegen phase is where the compiler emits bytecode and metadata for the different platforms the Kotlin language targets. In this phase, by default, the compiler would go into ASM codegen for the JVM, or into IR codegen if IR is enabled. IR is the Intermediate Representation format the new Kotlin compiler backend targets.
CodegenSyntax |
Name | Summary |
irAnonymousInitializer | [jvm] open fun Meta.irAnonymousInitializer(f: IrUtils.(IrAnonymousInitializer) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irBlock | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBlock(f: IrUtils.(IrBlock) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irBlockBody | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBlockBody(f: IrUtils.(IrBlockBody) -> IrBody?): IRGeneration |
irBody | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBody(f: IrUtils.(IrBody) -> IrBody?): IRGeneration |
irBranch | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBranch(f: IrUtils.(IrBranch) -> IrBranch?): IRGeneration |
irBreak | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBreak(f: IrUtils.(IrBreak) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irBreakContinue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irBreakContinue(f: IrUtils.(IrBreakContinue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irCall | [jvm] open fun Meta.irCall(f: IrUtils.(IrCall) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irCallableReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irCallableReference(f: IrUtils.(IrCallableReference<*>) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irCatch | [jvm] open fun Meta.irCatch(f: IrUtils.(IrCatch) -> IrCatch?): IRGeneration |
irClass | [jvm] open fun Meta.irClass(f: IrUtils.(IrClass) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irClassReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irClassReference(f: IrUtils.(IrClassReference) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irComposite | [jvm] open fun Meta.irComposite(f: IrUtils.(IrComposite) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irConst | [jvm] open fun Meta.irConst(f: IrUtils.(IrConst<*>) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irConstructor | [jvm] open fun Meta.irConstructor(f: IrUtils.(IrConstructor) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irConstructorCall | [jvm] open fun Meta.irConstructorCall(f: IrUtils.(IrConstructorCall) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irContainerExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irContainerExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrContainerExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irContinue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irContinue(f: IrUtils.(IrContinue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irDeclaration | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDeclaration(f: IrUtils.(IrDeclaration) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irDeclarationReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDeclarationReference(f: IrUtils.(IrDeclarationReference) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irDelegatingConstructorCall | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDelegatingConstructorCall(f: IrUtils.(IrDelegatingConstructorCall) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irDoWhileLoop | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDoWhileLoop(f: IrUtils.(IrDoWhileLoop) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irDump | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDump(): IRGeneration |
irDumpKotlinLike | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDumpKotlinLike(options: KotlinLikeDumpOptions = KotlinLikeDumpOptions()): IRGeneration |
irDynamicExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDynamicExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrDynamicExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irDynamicMemberExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDynamicMemberExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrDynamicMemberExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irDynamicOperatorExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irDynamicOperatorExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrDynamicOperatorExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irElseBranch | [jvm] open fun Meta.irElseBranch(f: IrUtils.(IrElseBranch) -> IrElseBranch?): IRGeneration |
irEnumConstructorCall | [jvm] open fun Meta.irEnumConstructorCall(f: IrUtils.(IrEnumConstructorCall) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irEnumEntry | [jvm] open fun Meta.irEnumEntry(f: IrUtils.(IrEnumEntry) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irErrorCallExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irErrorCallExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrErrorCallExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irErrorDeclaration | [jvm] open fun Meta.irErrorDeclaration(f: IrUtils.(IrErrorDeclaration) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irErrorExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irErrorExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrErrorExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irExpressionBody | [jvm] open fun Meta.irExpressionBody(f: IrUtils.(IrExpressionBody) -> IrBody?): IRGeneration |
irField | [jvm] open fun Meta.irField(f: IrUtils.(IrField) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irFieldAccess | [jvm] open fun Meta.irFieldAccess(f: IrUtils.(IrFieldAccessExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irFile | [jvm] open fun Meta.irFile(f: IrUtils.(IrFile) -> IrFile?): IRGeneration |
irFunction | [jvm] open fun Meta.irFunction(f: IrUtils.(IrFunction) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irFunctionAccess | [jvm] open fun Meta.irFunctionAccess(f: IrUtils.(IrFunctionAccessExpression) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irFunctionReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irFunctionReference(f: IrUtils.(IrFunctionReference) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
IrGeneration | [jvm] open fun IrSyntax.IrGeneration(generate: (compilerContext: CompilerContext, moduleFragment: IrModuleFragment, pluginContext: IrPluginContext) -> Unit): IRGeneration IR, The intermediate representation format, is a structured text format with significant indentation that contains all the information the compiler knows about a program. At this point, the compiler knows the structure of a program based on its sources, what the typed expressions are, and how each of the generic type arguments gets applied. The compiler emits information in this phase that is processed by interpreters and compilers targeting any platform. IR Example |
irGetClass | [jvm] open fun Meta.irGetClass(f: IrUtils.(IrGetClass) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irGetEnumValue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irGetEnumValue(f: IrUtils.(IrGetEnumValue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irGetField | [jvm] open fun Meta.irGetField(f: IrUtils.(IrGetField) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irGetObjectValue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irGetObjectValue(f: IrUtils.(IrGetObjectValue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irGetValue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irGetValue(f: IrUtils.(IrGetValue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irInstanceInitializerCall | [jvm] open fun Meta.irInstanceInitializerCall(f: IrUtils.(IrInstanceInitializerCall) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irLocalDelegatedProperty | [jvm] open fun Meta.irLocalDelegatedProperty(f: IrUtils.(IrLocalDelegatedProperty) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irLocalDelegatedPropertyReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irLocalDelegatedPropertyReference(f: IrUtils.(IrLocalDelegatedPropertyReference) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irLoop | [jvm] open fun Meta.irLoop(f: IrUtils.(IrLoop) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irMemberAccess | [jvm] open fun Meta.irMemberAccess(f: IrUtils.(IrMemberAccessExpression<*>) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irModuleFragment | [jvm] open fun Meta.irModuleFragment(f: IrUtils.(IrModuleFragment) -> IrModuleFragment?): IRGeneration |
irProperty | [jvm] open fun Meta.irProperty(f: IrUtils.(IrProperty) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irPropertyReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irPropertyReference(f: IrUtils.(IrPropertyReference) -> IrElement?): IRGeneration |
irReturn | [jvm] open fun Meta.irReturn(f: IrUtils.(IrReturn) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSetField | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSetField(f: IrUtils.(IrSetField) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSetValue | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSetValue(f: IrUtils.(IrSetValue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSimpleFunction | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSimpleFunction(f: IrUtils.(IrSimpleFunction) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irSingletonReference | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSingletonReference(f: IrUtils.(IrGetSingletonValue) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSpreadElement | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSpreadElement(f: IrUtils.(IrSpreadElement) -> IrSpreadElement?): IRGeneration |
irStringConcatenation | [jvm] open fun Meta.irStringConcatenation(f: IrUtils.(IrStringConcatenation) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSuspendableExpression | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSuspendableExpression(f: IrUtils.(IrSuspendableExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSuspensionPoint | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSuspensionPoint(f: IrUtils.(IrSuspensionPoint) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irSyntheticBody | [jvm] open fun Meta.irSyntheticBody(f: IrUtils.(IrSyntheticBody) -> IrBody?): IRGeneration |
irThrow | [jvm] open fun Meta.irThrow(f: IrUtils.(IrThrow) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irTry | [jvm] open fun Meta.irTry(f: IrUtils.(IrTry) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irTypeAlias | [jvm] open fun Meta.irTypeAlias(f: IrUtils.(IrTypeAlias) -> IrTypeAlias?): IRGeneration |
irTypeOperator | [jvm] open fun Meta.irTypeOperator(f: IrUtils.(IrTypeOperatorCall) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irTypeParameter | [jvm] open fun Meta.irTypeParameter(f: IrUtils.(IrTypeParameter) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irValueAccess | [jvm] open fun Meta.irValueAccess(f: IrUtils.(IrValueAccessExpression) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irValueParameter | [jvm] open fun Meta.irValueParameter(f: IrUtils.(IrValueParameter) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irVararg | [jvm] open fun Meta.irVararg(f: IrUtils.(IrVararg) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irVariable | [jvm] open fun Meta.irVariable(f: IrUtils.(IrVariable) -> IrStatement?): IRGeneration |
irWhen | [jvm] open fun Meta.irWhen(f: IrUtils.(IrWhen) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
irWhileLoop | [jvm] open fun Meta.irWhileLoop(f: IrUtils.(IrWhileLoop) -> IrExpression?): IRGeneration |
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