
A Getter is an optic that can focus into a structure and get its focus. It can be seen as a wrapper of a get function (S) -> A that can be composed with other optics.

Creating a Getter can be done by referencing a property of a data classes or by providing a function.

import arrow.optics.*
import arrow.*

data class Player(val health: Int)

val healthGetter = Getter(Player::health)
val player = Player(75)
import arrow.core.*

fun <T> nonEmptyListHead() = Getter<NonEmptyList<T>, T> {

nonEmptyListHead<Int>().get(nonEmptyListOf(1, 2, 3, 4))

Or, from any of the optics defined in arrow-optics that allow getting its focus safely.

import arrow.core.*
import arrow.optics.*

val headGetter: Getter<NonEmptyList<String>, String> = Lens.nonEmptyListHead<String>()
val tupleGetter: Getter<Pair<String, Int>, String> = PLens.pairFirst<String, Int>()


Unlike a regular get function, a Getter composes. Similar to a Lens, we can compose Getters to create telescopes and zoom into nested structures.

val firstBar: Getter<NonEmptyList<Player>, Int> = Lens.nonEmptyListHead<Player>() compose healthGetter

Getter can be composed with Getter, Iso, Lens, and Fold, and the composition results in the following optics:

  Iso Lens Prism Optional Getter Setter Fold Traversal
Getter Getter Getter X X Getter X Fold X

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