
fun interface PSetter<S, T, A, B>(source)

A Setter is an optic that allows to see into a structure and set or modify its focus.

A (polymorphic) PSetter is useful when setting or modifying a value for a constructed type i.e. PSetter, List, Int, String>

A PSetter is a generalisation of a arrow.Functor. Functor::map (fa: Kind, f: (A) -> B): Kind PSetter::modify(s: S, f: (A) -> B): T



the source of a PSetter


the modified source of a PSetter


the focus of a PSetter


the modified focus of a PSetter


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object Companion


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open infix fun <U, V> choice(other: PSetter<U, V, A, B>): PSetter<Either<S, U>, Either<T, V>, A, B>

Join two PSetter with the same target

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open infix fun <C, D> compose(other: PSetter<in A, out B, out C, in D>): PSetter<S, T, C, D>

Compose a PSetter with a PSetter

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open fun lift(map: (focus: A) -> B): (source: S) -> T

Lift a function map: (A) -> B to the context of S: (S) -> T`

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abstract fun modify(source: S, map: (focus: A) -> B): T

Modify polymorphically the focus of a PSetter with a function map.

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open operator fun <C, D> plus(other: PSetter<in A, out B, out C, in D>): PSetter<S, T, C, D>
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open fun set(source: S, focus: B): T

Set polymorphically the focus of a PSetter with a value b.


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fun <T, S, I, A> Setter<T, S>.at(AT: At<S, I, A>, i: I): Setter<T, A>

DSL to compose At with a Setter for a structure S to focus in on A at given index I.

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fun <T, S, A> Setter<T, S>.every(TR: Every<S, A>): Setter<T, A>

DSL to compose Traversal with a Setter for a structure S to see all its foci A

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fun <T, S, I, A> Setter<T, S>.index(ID: Index<S, I, A>, i: I): Setter<T, A>

DSL to compose Index with a Setter for a structure S to focus in on A at given index I

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val <T, S> Setter<T, Option<S>>.some: Setter<T, S>

DSL to compose a Prism with focus arrow.core.Some with a Setter with a focus of Option<S>