
Package-level declarations


Name Summary
Noop [jvm]
object Noop
SealedSubclass [jvm]
data class SealedSubclass(val simpleName: Name, val fqName: FqName?, val typeVariables: List<String>)


Name Summary
filterNotNull [jvm]
fun <T> Iterable<T?>.filterNotNull(): List<T>
filterNotNullTo [jvm]
fun <C : MutableCollection<in T>, T> Iterable<T?>.filterNotNullTo(destination: C): C
innerSealedSubclasses [jvm]
fun KtClass.innerSealedSubclasses(): List<SealedSubclass>
mapNotNull [jvm]
inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R>
inline fun <K, V, R> Map<out K, V>.mapNotNull(transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R?): List<R>
mapNotNullTo [jvm]
inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R?): C
inline fun <K, V, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Map<out K, V>.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R?): C
outerSealedSubclasses [jvm]
fun KtClass.outerSealedSubclasses(): List<SealedSubclass>
plusIfNotBlank [jvm]
fun String.plusIfNotBlank(prefix: String = "", postfix: String = ""): String
From Eugenio’s https://github.com/Takhion/kotlin-metadata If this isNotBlank then it adds the optional prefix and postfix.
sealedSubclasses [jvm]
fun KtClass.sealedSubclasses(): List<SealedSubclass>
sealedVariants [jvm]
fun List<KtDeclaration>.sealedVariants(superKt: KtClass): List<SealedSubclass>


Name Summary
renderTypeParameters [jvm]
val KtClass.renderTypeParameters: List<String>

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